Forest Pharmaceuticals

Viibryd 14 Day Starter Kit

Preflight and Alterations per customer for Zumbiel Packaging

This piece was a two-sided print job that went production for the Viibryd 14-day starter pack. I have developed many designs for Forest Pharma. The jobs many times have come in from agencies in bad shape. Too many colors, colors that look the same made up differently, not extended to intended bleed lines, without fonts and images, and more. You name it, agencies usually send in art in bad shape and not ready to run Flexo or Litho printing. My job is clean up the mess and get it ready to go to press to the point of a clean one up file. Zumbiel goes to full separations with an outside company E.C.Shaw.


  • Pre-Flight
  • Inks
  • Bleeds
  • Specifications