HTML5 code

Semantic HTML5

When one hears the word accessibility in reference to websites, quite often, the focus shifts to users that have disabilities. As this is a primary focus of accessibility, that conclusion, while somewhat acceptable, is simply not the full disclosure. Accessibility enriches the user experience for all users. According to Riley-Huff (2012), “Remember that the user is never the problem—the website is—and it is your job to create a great user experience” (p. 30).

Usability and accessibility start with web content. Style should be kept minimalistic. The goal should be writing in clear language that is easy for users and browsers to understand. This can be aided by following proper document model and semantic structure. HTML5 has further enhanced accessibility by using tags that are more specific to the content they contain. Keeping designs and content minimalistic and concise improves many aspects for web users. It can improve download speeds, search engine optimization and allow styling to hold consistency across the many devices with which the web is now accessed daily.

The three aspects of web development majorly affected with this new markup language HTML5 are:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Download speeds
  • Styling and coding

In terms of overall impact, styling and coding has been transformed with this new developer friendly standard.
With HTML5 (and CSS3) a developer can write once and deploy everywhere instead of writing separate code for all the different devices and browsers. Your reach to customers via the social networking model also can greatly increase with this markup language (Anthes, 2012, p. 16-17).
HTML5 has a feature referred to as “local storage,” which allows persistent storage of structured session data on a web client. In the past cookies tried to perform a similar functionality but can only store small amounts of data and has other technological limitations. This stored data can be accessed later when a web server connection may not be possible. HTML5 also has support for Scalable Vector Graphics and the raster-based Canvas that can enable users to draw 2D and even 3D graphics on a web page using Javascript.

HTML5 has tighter specifications, which brings more quality to content over the vague specs of the past. Generic tags, specifically the <div> tag, would be used to separate each section of a web page in previous versions of HTML. The tag could be given an identifier for CSS but is still, in essence, non-specific. HTML5 has very concise tags letting the browsers as well as screen readers know exactly the type of content contained within the tag. Some examples of HTML5 tags would be <header>, <footer>, <article>, and <summary> (Lowery & Fletcher, 2011).
Another advantage of HTML5 coding is built-in media support. With so many people using Apple iPads and other devices, this support is very user and developer friendly. In HTML4 you needed a browser plug-in such as Adobe Flash Player to play videos.

All these advantages will continue to shape and morph as HTML5 continues to expand. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) published the Editor’s Draft of HTML5.2 on September 11, 2016 (“HTML 5.2 Editor’s Draft,” 2016).

However, even at this point in it’s history it has no question made big changes for developers in the realm of coding and styling. New standards and similar changes are many times looked at as dreaded alterations to work flow. However, HTML5 with its’ abundance of speedy advantages and positive adaptations will be welcome by most with open arms. Going forward the web will be a more accessible and usable domain for all users and developers alike.





Anthes, G. (2012). HTML5 Leads a Web Revolution. Retrieved from

HTML 5.2. (2016). Retrieved from

Lowery, J., & Fletcher, M. (2011). HTML5 24-Hour Trainer. [9781118043417]. Retrieved from

Riley-Huff, D. (2012). Web Accessibility and Universal Design. Retrieved from


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