Hello World!

Yes, “hello world” is the proper intro! Since most of my work is done under the radar, it’s very appropriate for me. I am a graphic designer by day, web designer with some of my spare time by night, and a fan of exceptional design of any type. I have loved to draw and create things from a very young age. Likewise learning has always been a positive venture, not a fear or hindrance. I want to continue to expand my experience level in the design world by continually facing new challenges. I think my dream job would be to work for a major web development company with my contributions being used and enjoyed by people all over the world. I feel being involved on a web development team or even television development group would be very rewarding. I’ll never find out these things if I don’t open up my exposure to these arenas.

My biggest contribution to the design world right now is putting graphics to carton structures, which isn’t bad, but I just feel I need to diversify. I have a huge library of photos of the work I have done over the years in packaging. This work for the majority of the time is applying customer generated graphics to potential innovations of existing designs which can save them money as well as give them a different look on the shelf. These designs being confidential keeps me from displaying much, if any of this work to the public because of my employer’s guidelines. I have some of my freelance and free time (which there isn’t enough of) creations available to see. Even going deeper into the pre press process of offset litho printing would be of interest to me as well. The need for this may be a dying breed in time with the emergence of larger, faster, and very efficient digital printers.

Mainly I just want my book to always be open to write new chapters and adapt with the times. Stay up to date and at the forefront of modern graphics and whatever they may become as we continue to mold and shape our digital world. I want design to be a big part of my life and for my life through my career to leave worthwhile contributions in return. So with that said welcome to my personal website. I am glad you have made your way here.

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